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AI Code for Invasion Force - an Explore/Conquer Strategic Wargame
Copyright (C) 1996 Brannen Hough
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
cyber2.c -- artificial intelligence module for Empire II
/* This file contains all the routines associated with AI Type #2.
#include "global.h"
*************** Production Routines ***************************
void AI2_set_gov_prod (struct City *metro, struct GovNode *CityOwner)
struct GovNode *Gov = (struct GovNode *)GovList.mlh_Head;
// Go through the list of Governors. We find the one governor with
// the highest priority request, and start making that request.
// Lets do some error checking
CityOwner->req.req_gov = -1;
CityOwner->req.priority = 0;
CityOwner->req.type = -1;
for ( ; Gov->gnode.mln_Succ; Gov = (struct GovNode *)Gov->gnode.mln_Succ) {
if (Gov->owner == player) {
AI2_get_gov_req (Gov, metro); // request gets returned in LastReq
sprintf(outbuf, "Gov %ld Request - type %s, req_gov %ld, pri %ld",
Gov->ID, UnitString[LastReq.type], LastReq.req_gov,
DEBUG_AI (outbuf)
if( LastReq.priority >= CityOwner->req.priority ) {
CityOwner->req.priority = LastReq.priority;
CityOwner->req.type = LastReq.type;
CityOwner->req.req_gov = LastReq.req_gov;
} // End if higher priority
} // end if my governor
} // end for loop
sprintf(outbuf, "Producing a %s for Governor %ld",
UnitString[CityOwner->req.type], CityOwner->req.req_gov);
// And we set the city itself to produce this
if (metro->unit_type != CityOwner->req.type) { //making a new type
metro->unit_type = CityOwner->req.type;
//Tooling up penalty
metro->unit_wip = -1 * wishbook[metro->unit_type].build/5;
sprintf (outbuf, "Tooling Up the city to build a %s",
// unit->wip has been set to zero elsewhere. Don't zero out production
// that has already been started when we haven't changed the type.
// We have enough handicaps as it is.
void AI2_get_gov_req (struct GovNode *Gov, struct City *metro)
int i;
// Mark who has placed this request
LastReq.req_gov = Gov->ID;
// Set priority based on the mode of the city
switch( Gov->mode ) {
LastReq.priority = 10;
LastReq.priority = 20;
LastReq.priority = 5;
if( IsCityTaken(Gov) ) LastReq.priority = 25;
// Attenuate for distance
i = AI5_GetDist (metro->col, metro->row, Gov->x, Gov->y);
LastReq.priority -= i / 2;
if (LastReq.priority < 1) LastReq.priority = 1;
if( (Gov->mode == GOV_SEARCH) && (!IsCityTaken(Gov)) ) {
// The heat is off, let's see what's best to build
// Make armor units if we can, if not, make infantry.
LastReq.type = ARMOR;
// Now, change back if we can't make an armor
if (wishbook[ARMOR].enabled != TRUE) {
LastReq.type = RIFLE;
// And, change it back if the area of interest is not good for armor
if((Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_PLAINS] + // Sum total of all the
Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_DESERT] + // terrain armor is very
//Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_ARCTIC] + // fast on
(Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_JUNGLE] + // Sum total of all the
Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_PEAKS] + // terrain armor is
Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_SWAMP] + // very slow in.
Gov->hist.TerrainCounts[HEX_MOUNTAINS]) )
LastReq.type = RIFLE;
else {
// Things are hairy - build infantry until they get better
LastReq.type = RIFLE;
/* Just a stop gap for now - I have a much better routine to replace
this one with */
int AI2_calc_distance (short orgx, short orgy, short destx, short desty)
short deltx,
int result;
// This seems to work on my graphs - We'll see in
// real life - needed some adjustment - still nothing for
// wrap. Wrap will need to adjust the deltx and delty I think
// Returns the distance in hexes.
deltx = (destx >= orgx) ? (destx - orgx) : (orgx - destx);
delty = (desty >= orgy) ? (desty - orgy) : (orgy - desty);
if (delty == 0) return (deltx);
if (deltx == 0) return (delty);
// Takes care of the easy cases, now we do 'diagonals'
result = delty;
if (orgy % 2) {
if (destx > orgx) { result += (deltx - delty / 2); }
else result += (deltx - (delty + 1)/2);
else {
if (destx > orgx) { result += (deltx - (delty + 1)/2); }
else result += (deltx - delty / 2);
return (result);
void AI2_play_turn( int new_units )
int MaxLooping = 1000;
/* Here we may want to look around, give out some orders to units,
and execute orders to units in a loop until we have done all the
moves possible for the units.
/* We'll add a little failsafe so we don't spend eternity here */
while( (MaxLooping > 0) && (!DoUnitActions(40,60)) ) MaxLooping--;
if( MaxLooping <= 0 )
DEBUG_AI("Exitting AI player's turn - out of actions")
struct GovNode* AI2_locate_gov( struct City* metro )
struct GovNode *Gov = (struct GovNode *)GovList.mlh_Head;
struct GovNode *NewGov = NULL;
for ( ; Gov->gnode.mln_Succ; Gov = (struct GovNode *)Gov->gnode.mln_Succ) {
if ((Gov->owner == player) &&
((Gov->type == GOV_CITY) || (Gov->type == GOV_PORT))
&& (Gov->x == metro->col) && (Gov->y == metro->row)) {
/* We found the right city governor. */
return( Gov );
} /* End if */
} /* End for loop */
DEBUG_AI("Couldn't find the governor, making one")
/* Never found it */
NewGov = AI1_add_gov( metro );
/* And, let's set up the governors area of interest */
AI2_setup_area_of_interest (NewGov);
return (NewGov);
void AI2_setup_area_of_interest( struct GovNode* Gov )
/* Set up the immediate area of interest */
Gov->startx = Gov->x - 2;
Gov->starty = Gov->y - 2;
Gov->endx = Gov->x + 2;
Gov->endy = Gov->y + 2;
if (!wrap) {
if (Gov->startx < 0) Gov->startx = 0;
if (Gov->starty < 0) Gov->starty = 0;
if (Gov->endx > width - 1) Gov->endx = width - 1;
if (Gov->endy > height - 1) Gov->endy = height - 1;
else {
if (Gov->startx < 0) Gov->startx += width;
if (Gov->starty < 0) Gov->starty += height;
if (Gov->endx > width - 1) Gov->endx -= width;
if (Gov->endy > height - 1) Gov->endy -= height;
/* Set up the Extended area of interest */
Gov->Estartx = Gov->x - 5;
Gov->Estarty = Gov->y - 5;
Gov->Eendx = Gov->x + 5;
Gov->Eendy = Gov->y + 5;
if (!wrap) {
if (Gov->Estartx < 0) Gov->Estartx = 0;
if (Gov->Estarty < 0) Gov->Estarty = 0;
if (Gov->Eendx > width - 1) Gov->Eendx = width - 1;
if (Gov->Eendy > height - 1) Gov->Eendy = height - 1;
else {
if (Gov->Estartx < 0) Gov->Estartx += width;
if (Gov->Estarty < 0) Gov->Estarty += height;
if (Gov->Eendx > width - 1) Gov->Eendx -= width;
if (Gov->Eendy > height - 1) Gov->Eendy -= height;
/* sprintf (outbuf,
"For Gov %ld, Startx:%ld, Starty:%ld, Endx:%ld, Endy:%ld",
Gov->ID, Gov->startx, Gov->starty, Gov->endx, Gov->endy);
void AI2_do_all_histograms()
struct GovNode *Gov = (struct GovNode *)GovList.mlh_Head;
/* First we update the picture for all the Governors */
for ( ; Gov->gnode.mln_Succ; Gov = (struct GovNode *)Gov->gnode.mln_Succ)
if (Gov->owner == player) {
AI1_do_one_histogram (Gov);
AI2_set_gov_mode (Gov);
/* End for loop */
void AI2_set_gov_mode( struct GovNode* Gov )
enum GovMode new_mode = GOV_SEARCH;
// Now, if we have enemy forces in the area, set to defend
if( Gov->hist.TotalEUnits > 0 ) new_mode = GOV_DEFEND;
if( new_mode != Gov->mode ) {
Gov->mode = new_mode;
// clear all orders
AI1_clear_all_orders( Gov );
// And if we lost the city, set the taken flag
AI1_set_gov_mode( Gov );
void AI2_give_orders( )
struct Unit *unit = (struct Unit *)unit_list.mlh_Head;
struct GovNode *Gov = NULL;
for (;unit->unode.mln_Succ; unit = (struct Unit *)unit->unode.mln_Succ)
if ((unit->owner == player) && (unit->move > 0) &&
(unit->orders == NULL)) {
/* No orders yet, let's set some
Ok, we own the unit, and it has moves left, and has a Governor
owner, and has no standing orders
Don't just stand there, do something!
//"Giving initial orders to unit named %s at %ld,%ld",
// unit->name, unit->col, unit->row);
// DEBUG_AI(outbuf)
Gov = AI1_FindOwner (unit);
if (Gov != NULL) {
if( IsCityTaken( Gov ) ) {
/* Have the unit move to the city's location */
DEBUG_AI("City Taken! Home Boys!")
ComputerGiveOrders (unit, C_ORDER_GOTO, Gov->x,
Gov->y, -1, -1, -1);
} /* End if CityTaken */
else {
if( Gov->mode == GOV_DEFEND ) {
DEBUG_AI("Defend mode boys! Repel invaders!")
/* We need to get back to help defend the homeland
if needed. Head for the city if far, head for
an enemy if close (inside the AOI)
if( (unit->col > Gov->Estartx) &&
(unit->col < Gov->Eendx ) &&
(unit->row > Gov->Estarty) &&
(unit->row < Gov->Eendy) ) {
DEBUG_AI("Put 'em on the hunt")
ComputerGiveOrders (unit, C_ORDER_HUNT,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 6);
} /* End of if unit in governors extended zone */
else {
/* Just head for the city */
DEBUG_AI("Too Far! Just head for the city")
ComputerGiveOrders (unit, C_ORDER_GOTO,
Gov->x, Gov->y, -1, -1, -1);
} /* End else not in governors extended range */
} /* End if mode = defend */
else {
/* Have the unit wander randomly */
DEBUG_AI("Wander randomly")
ComputerGiveOrders (unit, C_ORDER_RANDOM,
-1, -1, -1,-1, -1);
} /* End else city is not taken */
} /* End if Gov is not equal to NULl */
else {
/* If we can't find it, just wander randomly */
DEBUG_AI("Can't locate owner - wander randomly anyway")
ComputerGiveOrders (unit, C_ORDER_RANDOM,
-1, -1, -1,-1, -1);
} /* end if owner and has moves left */
/* End For */
struct MapIcon* AI2_FindClosestEnemyUnit( short orgx, short orgy, int limit )
int closest = BIG_NUMBER;
int i;
struct MapIcon *closestEnemy = NULL;
struct MapIcon *icon = (struct MapIcon *) PLAYER.icons.mlh_Head;
for (; icon->inode.mln_Succ; icon = (struct MapIcon *)
icon->inode.mln_Succ) {
if (icon->owner != player) {
i = AI5_GetDist( orgx, orgy, icon->col, icon->row );
if( (i < limit) && (i < closest) ) {
closest = i;
closestEnemy = icon;
return( closestEnemy );
int AI2_do_unit_actions()
struct Unit *unit = (struct Unit *)unit_list.mlh_Head;
struct GovNode *Gov = NULL;
int Done = TRUE;
struct Unit* lastunit = NULL;
int times_accessed = 0;
for ( ; unit->unode.mln_Succ; unit = (struct Unit *) unit->unode.mln_Succ)
if ((unit->owner==player) && (unit->move > 0)) {
/* Added this last to only give any one unit 10 chances to
move - if it hasn't by then, skip over it and go to the
next. This has the pleasant effect that the unit that
couldn't move in 10 tries will get another 10 tries to
move, and so on, until it finally gets skipped for this
turn. */
if ( (lastunit != unit) || (times_accessed < 10) ) {
if( lastunit != unit ) {
lastunit = unit;
times_accessed = 0;
else {
/* Skip Sentry units */
if ((unit->orders == NULL) ||
(unit->orders->reserved != C_ORDER_SENTRY)) continue;
/* Take a look around us and react to enemy units + cities */
if( AI2_look_around ( unit ) ) return (FALSE);
/* if we have orders, execute them */
if (unit->orders != NULL) {
return (FALSE);
else {
Gov = AI1_FindOwner (unit);
if (Gov != NULL) {
DEBUG_AI("No orders, no enemy around. Huh?")
/* Just skip this unit this turn - the governor will
give new orders next turn. */
unit->move = 0;
} /* End if Gov != NULL */
else {
DEBUG_AI("Cannot find unit owner to ad lib turn")
DEBUG_AI("For Now, Forget IT!")
sprintf (outbuf, "%s Unit %s at %ld,%ld",
UnitString[unit->type], unit->name, unit->col,
unit->move = 0;
} /* End else Gov == NULL */
} /* End else figure something out */
} /* End if the unit is not the same one we accessed 10 times */
else {
/* Last unit IS this unit and times accessed >= 10. */
/* This should ensure that we never get stuck forever - we
will always finish - removes a potential infinite loop
when there are TWO enemy planes, over water, that can be
attacked by ground troops. They will ping pong between
them forever. */
} /* End if we own unit and it has moves left */
/* End for loop */
return (Done);
void AI2_computer_give_orders(struct Unit *unit,int suborder,short destx,
short desty,short orgx,short orgy,int etc)
struct Order *order=AllocVec((long)sizeof(*order),MEMF_CLEAR);
if (order) {
order->destx = destx;
order->desty = desty;
unit->orders = order;
order->type = ORDER_NONE;
if (orgx == -1) order->orgx = unit->col;
else order->orgx = orgx;
if (orgy == -1) order->orgy = unit->row;
else order->orgy = orgy;
order->processed = FALSE;
order->etc = etc;
order->reserved = suborder; /* using reserved for computer
orders so I don't tread on the human
player's tokens. */
/* This is set up to be in the order they are used most often,
and set up so that more order types can be added as needed.
switch (suborder) {
/* sprintf (outbuf, "%s %s C_ORDER_GOTO from %ld,%ld to %ld,%ld",
UnitString[unit->type], unit->name, order->orgx,
order->orgy, order->destx, order->desty);
/* Standard stuff only */
/* Standard stuff only */
int AI2_look_around( struct Unit* unit)
int i, k;
short targx, targy;
struct City* metro;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (AI1_calc_dir (i, unit->col, unit->row, &targx, &targy) != -1) {
if ((metro = city_hereP (targx, targy)) &&
(metro->owner != player)) {
/* if there is a city here and we don't own it */
(void) AI2_locate_gov( metro );
/* Make a governor for it if there isn't one already */
/* Then, try to take it */
if ((unit->type == RIFLE) || (unit->type == ARMOR)
|| (unit->type == AIRCAV)) {
/* Go for it! */
/* DEBUG_AI("Jumping enemy city") */
/* We can check here that we can GET to the city
and at least tried to take it, bogged down, etc.
if( move_unit_xy (unit, targx, targy) <= -2) {
return (1);
/* Else, look around for something else to attack -
another city, an enemy unit, etc.
} /* End if can take city */
} /* End if city here and it ain't ours! */
} /* End if hex here */
} /* End For loop */
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (AI1_calc_dir (i, unit->col, unit->row, &targx, &targy) != -1) {
if (((k = hex_owner(targx,targy)) > 0)&&(k!=player)) {
/* Somebody there - for now just jump 'em */
/*DEBUG_AI("Jumping enemy unit") */
/* Add the if statement so that we keep trying to attack
an enemy until we succeed or have tried each direction
once. There are cases (like an aircraft over water
attacked by a ground unit) where attacks can't take
place. */
if( move_unit_xy (unit, targx, targy) <= -2 ) {
/* We successfully attacked, ran out of gas, couldn't
move, etc. */
return (1);
/* Else, try a different enemy unit */
} /* End if bad guy here */
} /* End if hex here */
} /* End for loop */
return (0);
void AI2_execute_standing_order( struct Unit* unit )
int result;
if ((unit->orders == NULL) || (unit->orders->type != ORDER_NONE)) {
DEBUG_AI("Big problem in execute_standing_order - no orders!")
sprintf (outbuf, "%s %s has no standing orders to execute - aborting",
UnitString[unit->type], unit->name);
switch (unit->orders->reserved) {
result = AI1_command_headto(unit);
if (result < 0) clear_orders(unit); /* problem */
if (result == 0) clear_orders(unit); /* done */
/* Let's break the mold and use a more advanced AI routine */
result = AI2_command_hunt(unit);
if (result < 0) clear_orders(unit); /* wouldn't work */
DEBUG_AI("Unknown command type found in execute_standing_order!")
int AI2_command_hunt( struct Unit* unit )
int i, j;
int result;
/* We find the closest enemy unit to us and move towards it */
struct MapIcon *icon = AI2_FindClosestEnemyUnit( unit->col, unit->row, 6 );
if( icon ) {
/* We see one! Move towards him */
/* Select the correct direction to look in */
i = 0;
if (icon->col - unit->col <= 0) i = 3;
if( (icon->col == unit->col) && (unit->col%2 == 0) ) i = 0;
if (icon->row - unit->row < 0) i += 1;
if (icon->row == unit->row) i += 2;
/* Let's move in the three most likely directions only */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
/* -1 is the only return value where a move might still be possible
We must be sure we only do ONE move - ever */
result = move_unit_dir( unit, DirArray[i][j] );
if( result != -1 ) {
/*sprintf (outbuf, "Moved %s, result %ld",
DirString[DirArray[i][j]], result);
return (0); /* Made a move */
else {
// Could not move in that direction - try another
sprintf (outbuf,
"%s %s Tried to move in direction %s, result %ld",
UnitString[unit->type], unit->name,
DirString[DirArray[i][j]], result);
} /* End for loop */
// All three directions did not pan out
return -1;
// else
return -1; /* No one nearby to chase */